every year our downtown hosts window painting for the kids. it is always freezing, but we love it (as you can see, they were just a little excited to get started).

my favorite little mister admiring his work. he made googly monsters this year.

sunshine girl was so proud of her ladybug and flower masterpiece.

and, my pumpkin poos was just plain thrilled to go wild, dip her brush, and go to town! (she kept looking at me, waiting for me to take the brush away for making such a big mess!)

i love their creativity. it was a great day. the only sad thing in the day was that my favorite little mister got rid of his mohawk to match daddy. oh, i miss it. it makes his personality. but, he said, "well, mom, i HAVE had it since i was 4 years old!" it'll come back someday!

after the window painting, our church hosted an amazing pumpkin chase, which was a halloween carnival for kids. oh, my, they were in their glory doing games & winning candy! the girls were a bumblebee fairy & a butterfly.

on the way home as their buckets overflowed with candy, my hubby smelled chocolate. of course we interrogated the big kids, "who's eating MORE candy?" then i thought it may be pumpkin poo's clutched candy she had not put down. sure enough, she bit through the wrapper and the above is what we found when we stripped her down for bed. she was so proud. it was so funny!
happy fall!
grace & peace,