our life has been a bit of a blur lately with so much work and events, but i wanted to stop and get back into the blogging world by thinking about some of the things i am so thankful for:
1. God who is always there, loving me
2. my hubby, the best by far who allows me the freedom to pursue my dreams, encourages me every step, and is the best daddy any kid would ever want
3. my 3 crazies... you should have seen them dancing wild tonight (last week that ended in a bloody fat lip for my favorite little mister) they make me smile and bring me so much joy
4. worship music which keeps me going & keeps me focused
5. my line with
DEMDACO and the blessing it has been
6. when customers tell me how much my art means to them and why
7. honey crisp apples (we are addicted & for years i have had allergic reactions to apples... my favorite fruit, but this year i tried again & i am good so far & enjoying every minute)

here is my original photo for the psalm. i love the warm glow and selective focus.
so, i am wondering... does anyone really read this blog? and if so, what are YOU thankful for?
may your hearts overflow with thanks to God our Father, the faithful one who loves you so.
grace & peace,