one of my true joys of owning & operating
life verse design has been getting to know my treasured customers and their stories. each story of what my art means to you (or more like how
GOD'S WORD has touched your life) touches me, so keep the stories coming.
last week, one of my favorite customers (actually a couple from arizona) requested a custom piece utilizing john's photography. i am always more than thrilled to do custom work, as i know it touches the client in a deeply personal way.
they chose the verse from psalm "be still and know that I am God."
a few years ago God called them out west to minister to the navajo people. they went from a fast paced suburbia life (sounds just like mine) out to a land where people literally stop to take in nature, just to enjoy it!
in john's own words:
"We came to Navajoland in the belief we were going to save Navajos. Instead, God used the Navajo to save us. The book won't be about how we helped the Navajo, but how the Navajo, their lives, their culture showed us God." 
their words brought both tears to my eyes and conviction to my heart. the power of slowing down to just be, enjoy life, take in the wonder of nature, love people, listen with no agenda, and truly meditate on God,
not to check off my to-do list or my little christian act of the day.they have started a ministry center to help meet the needs of their friends. please check it out
here to learn more about the beautiful navajo people and their hearts in ministry. please support them also!
i truly hope we get to someday meet so that i can take in this way of life even more.
grace & peace,
p.s. funny story of the image: john said this ledge has a 700 foot vertical drop & that when he came across her just sitting & throwing stones over the edge, he got a bit freaked out, crawled out to her ON HIS BELLY, & she casually said, "i come here to think & it is very relaxing," so he slithered back to let her be. ha!