when i worked in house at Tyndale, i had a friend who was basically against wearing a cross necklace or jewelry or really having any "decorative" cross around. her reasoning always has intrigued me and i have never forgotten that conversation (& here i am creating "decorative" crosses)... she basically did not think it is right to make the cross look pretty, nor to have people wear it who do not even believe.
so, i started thinking more about her words & wrestling with it...
yes, the cross is a gruesome place where torture & death were at the forefront of the event, yet to us as Christians, it is also a beautiful place where our sin has been washed away. it is a powerful, central, symbolic image of our faith. our faith rests on that event as well as the resurrection Easter morning.
so, in moving forward with my designs, if anything it is my prayer to somehow honor God through them, bringing people to want to think about Christ more, and be able to focus their love and attention on Him, as well as be reminded of what He has done out of His great love for them.

happy Easter! Christ is Risen!
grace & peace,