this past week we celebrated a few milestones in our family:
1. our favorite little mister turned 7!
2. sunshine girl got her first major hair cut (6 inches!)
3. and, finally, sunshine girl graduated from preschool

the above is the original image taken for "all because 2 people fell in love". our favorite little mister was 7 months old in this shot & so it was our first "photoshoot" where i was able to take them of him sitting up & not being awkwardly propped up somehow. this image is his daddy's favorite pic of him ever. and, who knew at the time he would be immortalized by
DEMDACO in their wall art line?!

and, here he is now... sporting his fresh hawk, watching as his little sis gets a new "do" of her own!

could she look any happier?! for about 6 months now, she has been requesting "the mrs. rogers" haircut, which in reality is even shorter than what i let her get (i couldn't lose any more of her beautiful hair!) (OH, and mrs. rogers is a friend of mine whom she loves & she thinks she is sooooo beautiful & wants to look just like her :)

here she is getting it styled. so giddy. i could not believe 6 inches of hair, almost 5 years of growth lay on the floor.

class of 2023!
here she is coming down the aisle & i love this shot because she is specifically looking for daddy's approval to the cut (she knows her daddy likes long hair) ... he thinks she is so beautiful!

i had to get one of pumpkin-poos in here, cheesin' it up for the camera!

after the graduation back at home, sunshine girl asked to take more photos. (can you tell she loves the camera?!) here is the final result of the haircut: a very happy little girl who keeps peeking at herself in the mirror, then giggling.
grace & peace,