wow. what a week. last week was new haircuts, preschool graduations, end of school for my first grader, and now this week in the midst of me creating several new pieces (including the one above) came craziness and a trip to the emergency room!
i chuckle now, thinking God put this verse once again on my heart as it has meant so much to me as a mommy who "has young". and, i must say that i felt the truth of this verse hold me together as i cared for my hurt young.

remember this pic from about a month ago? (our trip to the sheep farm) ... well, now you can see the before & after process of my work.

so, where to begin? i will begin the story on monday. we went to visit some good friends who just had their firstborn son (who i HOPE to shoot soon some newborn pics!) anyways, they commented on how thus far nothing had gone as hoped, in terms of her birthing plan, etc... and i smiled and said, "welcome to parenthood! where the rest of your life is unknowns that you get through on the spur of the moment and most of your days are filled with the unplanned or unexpected."
now, jump to wednesday. i got a call from a friend saying she had tadpoles, praying mantises, and a caterpillar for my favorite little mister. so, i told the girls, "let's go!" as i got one of our booster seats out of our other car, sunshine girl decided to do some of her superpowers in btwn the 2 front seats. she put her hands on the armrests of the minivan & lifted up (pressing on her hands) as you would do on the parallel bars. apparently she was biting down on her lower lip when she slipped & smashed her face completely because there was blood EVERYWHERE. (ok, maybe not everywhere, but more than any mommy likes to see).
of course, i was home alone at the time & we still went to the house with the bugs since the mom is a biology / anatomy teacher like sam, so i know she would know if i was over reacting for stitches. (plus, they live 2 blocks from the hospital). she took one look at sunshine girl & said, "get going!"

once we were at the e.r., there were no more tears. the doc numbed her lip & did 4 stitches as she held perfectly still & even asked him some questions. i was so proud of my brave girl.
in the car on the way to get icecream :) she said, "mom, there are 2 good things about my accident: 1. now my tooth is wiggly & 2. now we have a story for my brother!"
we go to the dentist monday & stitches come out wednesday. sam (who is studying to be a nurse) wants to take them out... hmmm... should we let him? i trust him.

the above pic is from this morning when pumpkin poos was twirling so big she fell face down on the wood floor & hurt herself too! (no blood though :) they comforted her by bringing her puppies & baby dollies, then said, "mom! we should get a picture!"
i must say, i love the fact that my kids ask for their photos to be taken.
well, a happy start to summer! enjoy. more new work to be posted in
the shop & here soon!
grace & peace,