love is patient.
love is kind.
etc, etc, etc...
love is kind.
etc, etc, etc...
we all know the passage, read at basically every wedding, but do we ever really stop to meditate on it's truths? it is such a rich passage, full of purity and wisdom in what true love is (as opposed to what the world or movies portrays!).
and yet, when you really look at it, these characteristics are essentially impossible to attain or display on a daily basis without the presence of God & His Spirit in your life.
patience, kindness, purity in heart, humility, gentleness, selflessness, graceful, forgiving, full of truth, protective, trusting, hopeful, and persevering.
wow! help me be these things as i grow in love for others!
2 things have been making think about love lately:
1. the fact that valentine's day is quickly approaching
2. i am currently reading crazy love by francis chan
here is a quote from the back cover of the book that drives the point home that the greatest of these truly is love:
"It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe ... loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love..."
may you KNOW & EXPERIENCE this love of God.
may you RESPOND to His love today.
He is so good.
may you RESPOND to His love today.
He is so good.

this locket could be a reminder of both God's love for you as well as those you love so dearly. i love that it opens so that i can put my own images inside & wear them close to my heart.

and, here is what love means to me, here on this earth:
a wonderful hubby who adores me so & truly exudes the characteristics i wrote about above
my favorite little mister who wakes me with love notes or new lego creations
my sunshine girl who often reminds me, "you're the bestest mama!"
my pumpkin-poos who would snuggle all day & just wants to be with mommy
grace & peace,