Tuesday, July 12, 2011

BIG NEWS! Partnership with Beechdale Frames

hi there, i just wanted to officially announce to the world my partnership with Beechdale Frames, in which they are framing my 8x10 & 12x18 prints in gorgeous espresso frames for sale on a wholesale basis.

So, if you are a retailer looking for some inspirational art for your shop, please go take a peek at my new goodies!

They are carrying 30 of my designs, in both size options & i must say ... seeing my art in the 12x18 size makes me want to do them even larger (kind of like my 16x20 canvases!)

oh, how i love them.

i was also completely humbled and surprised when they sent me my very own catalog! wow. i hope God blesses their heart & their desire to get God's Word out into homes in new & beautiful ways.

they are currently (& i mean TODAY) at the International Christian Retail Show (otherwise known in the biz as ICRS) debuting my line & low & behold, they won an award for the look of the booth! another little surprise which is so fun & humbling. (oh & it has been so fun to have some of my fellow tyndale workers stop by & see my art!)

in the midst of all of this, i just keep thinking of a portion of my own life verse out of ephesians which ends with the fact that God is able to do above & beyond all we can ask or imagine. so true. He is so gracious to me. thanks be to my God & all glory to HIM!

grace & peace,


  1. That's great Julie! Congrats :)

  2. That's great Julie! Congrats :)

  3. Hi, Julie. I was at ICRS and saw the booth--it was stunning! Your stuff is on my ordering wish-list. :-)
