Sunday, May 9, 2010

happy mother's day!

dear mom,
happy mother's day! i hope you had a great one because you deserve it.

i have learned so many spiritual lessons from your life that you probably don't even know, which i can only hope to model in my own life as a mommy:

1. you serve others constantly, putting their needs above your own.
2. you do it with a selfless attitude, not expecting anything in return.
3. you do it quietly and humbly.
4. you do not complain about things (hardly ever, at all!)

i am so thankful to have a mom like you: one who went to all of my soccer & volleyball games, one who was always at home for us, one who even drove 1.5 hours just to take care of her grandbabies so i could work!

you have taught me much and been a great example for me.

in fact, it was you who inspired this art!

much love,

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