Friday, July 2, 2010

my clippy angel

the hair clippy angel fairy visited my home today in the form of my pumpkin-poos!

during breakfast, her big brother decided to "decorate" her with all of the clippies we own. (she would have NEVER let her sister do this to her & in fact, when sunshine girl joined in the fun after dragging herself out of bed, the fun ended immediately... what is it about sisters?!)

i had to take pictures, as she was soooo cute & it was so funny. just a normal day at the chen's with a million clippies in her hair.

i dragged them to a very fun & challenging family photoshoot i had, and during the 45 minute drive there she literally pulled out all except 3. loads of entertainment! so note, next time you have a long trip, just load your girl's hair full of clippies & who needs the dvd to keep her busy?!

happy 4th of july!

grace & peace,

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