i assume it was taken in eastern europe}
Philippians 2:5
Your attitude should be
the same as that of Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature God, did not consider
equality with God something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant . . .
we often have heard these words of the apostle paul in regards to Jesus Christ and His ultimate humility in servant hood, and this past sunday i ran across an article in the chicago tribune that has challenged me to the core and brought to life in modern context a couple who is truly being Jesus to others.
please follow the link, as long as it is live, watch the interview with jimi & be as humbled & challenged as i have been.
jimi & kate allen have graciously opened their lives to an alcoholic homeless man for the past 5 years. 5 years & going. they have reached out to him, though as the article states, it is not always smooth sailing. i am so impressed by their love and selflessness through their acts of compassion and love to fellow man, as they are truly doing life with tony.
you see, my family supports the poor through prayer & giving to compassion international and world relief, but bringing them into your home, even inviting them to sit at the head table of your wedding banquet is a whole other level! wow. i love how in jimi's interview he compares their wedding to the banquet in heaven in which Jesus will seat us at the head table, though we truly do not deserve to be there.
i love how there is such honesty in the article of trying times & that it has not been a magical overnight success, but rather selfless love & giving shown without any expectations in return. they are changing a life for eternity.
please follow the link, as long as it is live, watch the interview with jimi & be as humbled & challenged as i have been.
jimi & kate allen have graciously opened their lives to an alcoholic homeless man for the past 5 years. 5 years & going. they have reached out to him, though as the article states, it is not always smooth sailing. i am so impressed by their love and selflessness through their acts of compassion and love to fellow man, as they are truly doing life with tony.
you see, my family supports the poor through prayer & giving to compassion international and world relief, but bringing them into your home, even inviting them to sit at the head table of your wedding banquet is a whole other level! wow. i love how in jimi's interview he compares their wedding to the banquet in heaven in which Jesus will seat us at the head table, though we truly do not deserve to be there.
i love how there is such honesty in the article of trying times & that it has not been a magical overnight success, but rather selfless love & giving shown without any expectations in return. they are changing a life for eternity.

i know jimi allen through my work at tyndale house publishers & chose him to photograph these darling girls for my cover design.
jimi allen is an amazing photographer & visionary all around. you can view more of his work here and here.
oh & you can see more of the photo journalist's work on this story here!
{little side note: i think it is SO FUN that jimi married his assistant, kate, as back when we did the cover shoot, they were not "together" at least that i knew of}

may this story challenge you & encourage you as it has me!
grace & peace,
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