i had the joy & honor to meet a new artist friend & sister in Christ, sherri, yesterday as i welcomed her into my home to "talk shop" & fellowship & encourage one another & as we talked the kids were playing in the backyard.
now, i must say i periodically peeked out back & our yard is fenced in, just so you know i am not that terrible of a mom to neglect her playful children.
so, i walked sherri out & headed to the backyard & the above image is what caught my eye.
she LOVES hippos. and baboons. and doggies. and zebras. and daddy's dolphins. and grandma's kitties.
should i be mad? or swallow my own advice which i recently dished out to my hubby: kids need to be kids, let them PLAY! {note: my hubby does not even like a crumb on their face, much less their bodies covered in mud}
so, i had to choose to laugh, get the camera to document the hippo occasion for daddy & then hose them down all before lunch.

oh & another funny thing about pumpkin-poos is that she loves water. even ice cold water hosing her mud off!
i also this week had an important talk with "the big kids" about including their little sister in their play & well, today they obviously took my advice & you should have seen her smile at ALL of their AMAZING attention, egging her on to put more mud over her body.
after looking at the mud that covered them, it also later made me think about how Jesus' blood washes us clean, perfectly clean, of all of our dirty sin. wow. thanks be to God.
more coming... i've been super busy over here. lots of fun work & fun play!
grace & peace,
Hahahahaha-SOOOO stinking adorable Julie! She's just a doll :) So glad you chose to laugh and blog about this, what a wonderful moment-someday her children will really get a kick out of this story!
Thanks for the link-you rock! Today I blog part 2 of our time together. SO FUN!
bless you,
cute cute cute :) love the messiness you allow them to enjoy!!
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