i gave the little one this print, as it is true: every good & perfect gift does come from above.
lots more to share down the pipe. i have been having a great summer with the kids & taking lots of photos. i am also working on new art ideas as well as designing my own website. the balance of work & play has proven to be a struggle lately in my heart, but i am choosing play since they will only be little once & here in illinois, we only have so many days of sunshine!
ok, should be sleeping... just wanted to get these pics up before she pops & has the baby!
grace & peace,
Julie-you are just going to get me in more trouble...Lauren is not a gushy-mushy--and I already can't help myself from carryin' on about how pretty and how beautiful she is everytime I see her. I love the Mom that she already is to Mia and I love observing how she leads her, teaches her and loves her--(I can wait but it feels like...) I can't wait to watch her with our little boy (and you know the JOY we feel thinking about our Josh with this little life->YIKES!) These photos go straight to my heart...and I know they will stand the test of time...becoming most memorable and cherished. Bless and Love you - so. Kiss Kiss, Aunt Kelly
Julie-U R just going 2get me in more trouble...Lauren is not a GushyMushy--and I already can't help myself frm carryin' on about how pretty&how beautiful she is everytime I see her. I love the Mom that she already is 2Mia&I love observing how she leads her, teaches her&loves her--(I can wait but it feels like...)I can't wait to watch her with our little boy (and you know the JOY we feel thinking about our Josh w/this little life->YIKES!)These photos go straight 2my heart...I know they will stand the test of time...becoming most memoreable and cherished. Bless&Love you - s Kiss Kiss, Aunt Kelly
thanks aunt kelly :) i knew you would fully appreciate these. i love them too. she is so beautiful, inside & out & i am glad i got her to agree to pics! i hope they cherish these always & i cannot wait to meet (& photograph) the little man!
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