Monday, September 27, 2010

giving hearts

this past saturday, we had an art & snack sale in our driveway to raise money for our compassion international child's birthday which is coming up in december.

my favorite little mister has wanted to do this for 2 years now, and finally mommy was able to help out (& the weather cooperated!).

above you can see a little picture of the child we sponser, peter from tanzania. we purposely picked peter becuz he is my favorite little mister's age (7) and since the girls have each other for sisters, we wanted our son to have a "brother" of sorts.

the girls got involved too...
sunshine girl took the money in our fancy cash register :)

pumpkin-poos offered rice krispie treats

(which, of course, we sampled ourselves)

and my favorite little mister and i baked 36 homemade blueberry muffins with our frozen michigan blueberries!

their sale was quite a success, and they actually raised $80
which we will be giving peter for his birthday!

it was a great experience for our family. i loved the fact that they "imitated" my business in that they sold artwork (my favorite little mister made a sign: "watch me draw for $0.15) & he would draw a turtle, a fish, a frog, a dragonfly, or a newt. (the dragonfly was most popular). and that they did it all to help others, just as life verse design donates a portion of each sale to compassion international, world relief, and wycliffe bible translators.

i encourage you to encourage your children to be a part of a project or cause which helps them give and not always receive.

grace & peace,

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