when shooting my kids (& other kids for that matter), i often wonder
how to make them sit still? so, one day this summer i garbage picked a child size wooden chair (nice & weathered to add character, but will also most likely give one of them a splinter someday!)
in any case, it began
the magic chair

i now take the magic chair to most photoshoots, as once the kids hear about it,
they will want to sit in it & pose. it has truly been a magical prop.

i shot these photos for my friend & seamstress extraordinaire
downtown downers grove at rush hour.

she wanted something a bit unique (other than my nature settings)
and it was so much fun! (a bit scary, but a lot of fun!)

she creates THE MOST BEAUTIFUL children's clothes
your heart would ever desire.
(pumpkin's dress is from target though,
but sunshine & my favorite little mister are wearing neemies designs)

and here's some other crazy magic chair shots :)

my kids are rock stars
(& yes, that is sunshine girl imitating pumpkin-poos picking her nose)

some other tips in photographing kids:
1. find a magic chair or something they will want to sit on/be near
2. put them up in a tree or on a ledge or stairs, which will somewhat "contain" them, especially if you are trying to shoot more than one kiddo
3. get down on their level
4. take one million pictures, and you are SURE to get a few good ones :)
grace & peace,
p.s. lots happening over here on the creative side... i hope to reveal some soon! good stuff. thank you God.
1 comment:
Love these!! Love the urban look. Amazing outfits. Great work!
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