needless to say, the first 4 days were a DISASTER! can you say laundry?
this came as a shock to me, since my favorite little mister trained in one day & sunshine girl basically decided to just do it herself. so, once again pumpkin poos threw me for a loop and i did not know what to do.
some things she has taught me:
1. you cannot make a toddler sit on the potty chair if they do not want to.
2. you cannot make them pee or poo when (or more importantly, where) you want them to: i mean, she would sit there for an hour if she allowed herself to & would then finally get up & pee right next to the potty chair (we're talking niagra falls)!
3. you cannot make a toddler drink if they do not want to.
4. in one day, she became a camel & i am learning that she actually holds it for 2.5-3 hours at a time (& then unloads).
5. we must persevere!

she actually did it (with still much prompting & bribing by me)
and celebrated with the potty dance!

especially the parts about "accepting the things i cannot change & enjoying one moment at a time" (HA!)
i think the serenity prayer is a great encouragement for us mommies, as we need to realize that we do need to accept things as they are, and even celebrate them, whether it is:
• our children's sleep schedules
• their personalities (even when TOTALLY opposite of us & we look at them like they are from another planet)
• their tastes in food or wardrobe
• their extreme energy level :)
grace & peace,
p.s. i am working on a whole new line of art that i am SO EXCITED about!!!!!
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