it seems these days i am surrounded by friends who are adopting, i can think of at least 6 people in my life who are either in the process or have just brought a little one home. i cannot tell you how much i admire these families: they are literally changing lives for these children, giving them a hope and a future they most likely would not have ever had. they live out their faith and sacrifice for the sake of others.
i have had an adoption print for a few years which i created for DEMDACO, but when my friend brought home her little boy from the congo, she alluded to the fact that my artwork is a little "vanilla".
well, i agreed & took her up on a little photoshoot with herself, the proud mama of 2 beautiful boys, and her precious new baby!

i then created the above Scripture of Ephesians 1:4-6, as i have always loved the idea of being CHOSEN by God the Father, and as He adopts us into His heavenly kingdom, so my friends are choosing and adopting their children into their earthly homes.

and, the above passage found in james always makes me think of our old church, first baptist of downers grove. they are TRULY living out this Scripture: many of the women i know who are adopting or have adopted attend this church and the church runs an entire widows ministry in which they serve and encourage the widows of the church. it is truly amazing and incredibly admirable.

this is the original "vanilla" adoption print... and, in my defense, it is actually multi-cultural: can't you tell that is an asian hand with a mixed baby hand?! (my hubby & my daughter) ha!
if any of you are in the process of adopting and are doing fundraisers for your adoption, please contact me with your story and i would love to let you know what i am willing to offer. you can contact me through my shop.
grace & peace,
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