He's called me to be faithful."
–Mother Teresa
God is right now, as gently as He can, beating this phrase over my head. This powerful statement by Mother Teresa has been written in the notes of my Bible for years. I obviously had heard a sermon in which the pastor used the quote and it hit me like lightening. I quickly wrote it down so I would not forget it. I think the quote is especially powerful because of who spoke it: a woman who in the world's eyes had no real "success" and yet, she gave her life to help minister to the needs of others, faithful till the end. The power of those words are fresh to me in a new way today.
You see, I am a perfectionist, a workaholic, and I really like doing things successfully... no matter what it is. Whether it is designing a book for Tyndale House Publishers, creating new art for DEMDACO, or potty training a child, I like to do it "right and good". And, in the midst of life, I continue to compare myself to more "successful" artists or moms or Christians, thus battling discouragement on a rotating basis. ugh!
Currently I am in an AWESOME Bible study. We are reading the book Sacred Parenting which is the reason this quote has become fresh in my life once again. It is not the typical "how-to-do-it" parenting book. Rather, he focuses in on how God uses parenting to shape us, refine us, grow us, and make us more holy. It has made me take a deeper look at my own spiritual life in light of raising my children. Through the readings, I keep thinking of the Scripture which says,
You see, I am a perfectionist, a workaholic, and I really like doing things successfully... no matter what it is. Whether it is designing a book for Tyndale House Publishers, creating new art for DEMDACO, or potty training a child, I like to do it "right and good". And, in the midst of life, I continue to compare myself to more "successful" artists or moms or Christians, thus battling discouragement on a rotating basis. ugh!
Currently I am in an AWESOME Bible study. We are reading the book Sacred Parenting which is the reason this quote has become fresh in my life once again. It is not the typical "how-to-do-it" parenting book. Rather, he focuses in on how God uses parenting to shape us, refine us, grow us, and make us more holy. It has made me take a deeper look at my own spiritual life in light of raising my children. Through the readings, I keep thinking of the Scripture which says,
His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant!
You have been faithful with a few things;
I will put you in charge of many things.
Come and share your master’s happiness!’
–Matthew 25:21 NIV
You have been faithful with a few things;
I will put you in charge of many things.
Come and share your master’s happiness!’
–Matthew 25:21 NIV
I chose the image of the Queen Anne's Lace to represent all of the little things we have been given or entrusted with, which we are called to be faithful in. It is all the little things in life that when connected in their beauty create a life that is rich in "success". But, don't be fooled. This "success" may not at all look like what the world tells us is "success".
What are the little things God has called you to be faithful in? Your children? Your spouse? A friendship? Ministry? Work? Giving? Worship? Following a dream?
And, are you being faithful to those things for His glory, not your own? For you see, it is not all about us. It is all about Jesus. His kingdom, His will, His love, His glory.
May this art and quote bring to life once again freedom and perseverance to press on in whatever it is that He has called you to.
Grace & Peace,
1 comment:
Good stuff, Julie. This really encouraged me. And I agree that our study is pretty wonderful (and then some)!
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