Fast forward to this past summer when I put out the call on Facebook ... I got lots of advice as to where to pick up some local armor and my best lead came from my Tyndale coworker's wife {whose hubby creates some awesome covers btw} ... I cannot believe I did not think of that. For, you see when we are creating fiction covers at Tyndale we sometimes need to rent costumes for those covers {I just did a photo shoot last Tuesday for a fiction book I am working on!}
So, my art director's advice was to go to a little shop in the burbs called Kult of Athena, where the owners of the shop were experts at armor {and any type of weapons you may be looking for in fact}. The shop rents out to both Disney and Hollywood! He also told me to be sure to take Sam & my favorite little mister, as they would LOVE the store {boy, was he right!}.
So, I packed up the camera gear and we took a family field trip back to medieval and roman times at Kult of Athena. To date this has been one of the most interesting photo shoots I have done {maybe besides my eagle shots which were just truly awe inspiring}.

My knight in shining armor {aka my hubbalicious} was more than willing to pose for this shoot. He graciously suited up in all the layers (a wool tunic & all) in about 90 degree heat to pose for me. As we previewed the images, he would state how it "needed to look tougher"... oh so fun to get a man's perspective!

put on the full armor of God
{every piece to be fully covered}
the belt of truth
{which holds everything together in its proper place}
the breastplate of righteousness
{Jesus' righteousness covering our hearts}
your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
{walk your talk, go & share, be active}
take up the shield of faith
{which extinguishes the fiery arrows of attack}
the helmet of salvation
{protects our mind and thoughts}
the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God
{the only offensive piece with which to attack with:
the powerful word of God}
{every piece to be fully covered}
the belt of truth
{which holds everything together in its proper place}
the breastplate of righteousness
{Jesus' righteousness covering our hearts}
your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
{walk your talk, go & share, be active}
take up the shield of faith
{which extinguishes the fiery arrows of attack}
the helmet of salvation
{protects our mind and thoughts}
the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God
{the only offensive piece with which to attack with:
the powerful word of God}
The piece that shocked me most was the shield. I guess I always just pictured a shield that you would carry around that covers your chest area, but they were saying at the shop that the shields were HUGE {as you can see from the proportions of my images} and were placed on the ground & then you were almost completely covered. So interesting to think of faith in light of that shield.
I hope I utilize my spiritual armor in a more powerful way in light of this passage.
Grace & Peace,
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